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FMX cordova
superman seat grab
Highchair wheelie
Wade with the heel clicker
Lazy boy
streetbike tricks

Riders on a Mission


"but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Rom 5:8

Riders on a Mission: we ride stunt bikes for the glory of God and the expansion of His Kingdom by proclaiming the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

OUR PURPOSE: Jesus Christ died in the place of sinful people to reconcile them to God. Riders on a Mission exists to proclaim this singular message. Our method is rather unique because we use exciting motorcycle stunts and freestyle motocross to connect with all ages: children, teenagers, college-age and adults. We love to serve alongside the local church to help the body of Christ, in a community, reach people who might never darken the door of the church otherwise. Our mandate from God is to go into all the world proclaiming the good news of what Jesus has done so that one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. This adrenaline packed ministry consists of an action-packed freestyle motocross and/or streetbike stunt show and a Jesus-centered message that we believe God can use to impact your community for the advancement of His kingdom.


WHAT WE NEED: Riders on a Mission is an action sports outreach ministry that strives to make much of Jesus through sharing our testimonies of what God has done in bringing us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. The action sports vehicle that we predominately use as a platform is motorcycle stunt bikes (streetbikes) and freestyle motocross (dirtbikes). For the streetbike stunts, all of our tricks are performed on flat ground, which negates the need for transporting large ramps and other equipment. If your venue has the room, the freestyle motocross show is an incredible way to bring excitement to your event, all our ramps are portable so all we need is flat concrete or asphalt and an opportunity to tell those who might not yet know of God's redemptive work in the earth for all people who are in desperate need of His grace. Our message is focused on Jesus' life, death and resurrection and how that affects all people, in all circumstances for all of eternity. 


WHERE WE GO: We have been operating as a extreme sports evangelism ministry since 2008. God has given us so many unique opportunities to evangelize at a variety of outdoor events, some of which include: city-wide outreaches, music festivals, motorcycle rallies, church events, youth group gatherings, easter events, youth camps, vacation bible schools, disciple now events, motorcycle dealership shows, halloween and trunk or treat events, mission trips, and other types of outreach events. If you are interested in having us come to your community, then please send us an email using our contact page. We would be excited to partner with your church in providing both an exciting stunt show but far more importantly, the gospel of our amazing Lord, Jesus Christ, who gave himself up on the cross that all who would look to him alone for salvation would escape God's judgement and inherit everlasting life!

                                                       Riders on a Mission | Dallas, TX | 

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