church & city outreaches
One of the great misconceptions in the church today is that everyone is saved. Just because something is in the garage doesn't make it an automobile. In the same sense, people in church aren't necessarily repentant believers that have been born-again and are walking in a relationship with God, growing in holiness.
One of the ways God has been using this ministry is to provide entertainment to churches during their outdoor events and then taking that opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus.
We have often been a part of these type of church events: city outreaches, church picnics, church easter egg hunts, motorcycle rallys (biker sunday), outdoor baptism parties, bbq cook-offs, and many more.
christian camps & retreats
Another great way this ministry impacts the kingdom of God is at camps and retreats. We come along side christian camp directors or church leaders and provide an exciting show and share on the microphone how God has saved us from our lives of sin and pardoned us from eternal punishment by sending His Son in our place.
This is a great way to connect with camp attendees who might not hear the gospel in another context or be as receptive as they would be in this setting.
We have been a part of several men's retreats, youth camps, vacation bible school and disciple now programs.
freestyle motocross
A new endeavor in our ministry that utilizes dirtbikes, ramps and high-flying awesomeness to captivate audiences around the world. When your venue is looking for a jaw dropping experience that will draw lots of people out to see and Lord willing, keep them engaged with relevant and Jesus-glorifying testimonies, look no further! Our FMX team is complete with both a take-off and landing ramp, and can be setup on concrete or in a field.
For more information about having our fmx riders at your next outreach, please shoot us an email or give us a call.
Interested in partnering with us for one of your special events? Let's Talk.
"Thank you for an amazing stunt show and gospel message. I have received lots of positive feedback, and everyone really enjoyed the show. Praying that through your message many seeds were sown. It was nice to meet your sweet family. I will be praying for your ministry. We would love to have you back next year." -Julie @ Ridgeview Church